Often people turn towards therapy when they are having difficulty managing a life event, important relationship, struggling with addiction, feeling anxious and depressed, or just not feeling like themselves.
As a licensed Clinical Psychologist, I utilize an integrated approach tailored towards your needs and what works best for you. Together, I will work with you to find the necessary tools you need to reach your therapeutic goals and achieve the life satisfaction you deserve.
ServicesI offer psychotherapy to a broad ranges individuals; from young to older adults. Below you will find more information about the psychotherapy services I provide. Please read through and if you're wondering if my services are appropriate for you, please call or send me an email and I'll me happy to address your concerns.
Individual Psychotherapy I provide individual psychotherapy to treat the following: •Addiction •Alcoholism •ADHD •Adjustment Disorders •Adult Children of Alcoholics •Anxiety Disorders/Phobias •Bipolar Disorder •Co-Dependency •Depression •Emotional Eating •Infidelity •Life Transitions •Parenting Issues •Personal Growth •Psychosis •PTSD •Self-Esteem •Substance Abuse