Dr. Suelzle specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of pain: cancer pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, knee injuries, lower back pain, neck and shoulder pain, work injuries, sports injuries, and shingles pain. Dr. Suelzle will make sure that you are satisfied with your pain treatment plan. He attended medical school and performed his residency training in Anesthesiology and his Pain Management Fellowship at Loma Linda University in southern California.
ServicesDiagnosis and treatment of: Cancer Pain Headaches Neck Pain Shoulder Pain Low Back Pain Knee Injuries Hand and Foot Pain Sports Injuries Work Injuries Shingles Pain
I have seen Dr. Gregory Suelzle every month for at least 3 years. LAST June 3rd, 2015, I had a 'trip and fall' over a concrete tire stop in Harbor Friehgt Tools (Tent sale = no cars parked and the concrete strip was not painted yellow/not painted silver/not protected by mdse. or a pallet. My FIRST trip n fall in my entire life (65 y/o). I landed HARD and rolled 3 times. My right elbow area was swollen up like a softball cut in 1/2. Both my knees were 'hurt' the right one mainly. I had bruises on my right hip and down the right side of my body. DR. Suelzle did NOT send me for x-rays or MRI--my knee STILL hurts; I went from wheelchair to walker to a cane. I walk with a noticeable limp. Disgraceful to just Rx morphine and have no care or concern for the cause of the immediate pain. (L4 & L5 = permanent pain). Thanks, pal. Oh, P.S. Harbor Freight claims no responsibility cuz the parking lot is owned by someone else. I e-mailed, "You DO have responsibility-- it was a tent sale that HARBOR FREIGHT was having, hence no parked cars in the area of the concrete tire bumper. I was a safety supervisor and premise liability manager for Lucky Supermarkets, Southern Division. I retired in 1997..