Behavioral Sleep Medicine (BSM) is an emerging specialty in the field of psychology. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, LLC specializes in the non-medication treatment of sleep disorders and related problems. Non-medication treatments include cognitive-behavioral therapy, desensitization, motivational interviewing, nightmare rescripting, bright light therapy, and others. If you can relate to one or more of the statements below you may benefit from evaluation or treatment by a behavioral sleep medicine provider. • My sleeping pills don't work. • I have insomnia but I don’t want a pill. • I have insomnia. I have tried everything. Nothing works! • I’m afraid that I will not be able to sleep without my sleeping pills. • I’ve tried to stop taking sleeping pills but I can’t! • I worry that I am addicted to my sleeping pills. • I need a CPAP/BiPAP but I just can’t seem to wear it. • I have “claustrophobia” and I panic when I try to use my CPAP. • I go to bed with my CPAP but when I wake up, it’s off. • I can’t fall asleep/return to sleep with my CPAP on. • I think my body clock is “out of whack.” • My days and nights are reversed or mixed up. • I can’t sleep due to shift work.
ServicesBehavioral sleep medicine providers are licensed clinicians who have advanced training in sleep, sleep disorders, cognitive-behavioral treatments (CBT), and other non-medication treatments for sleep disorders. Behavioral sleep medicine providers specialize in Evidence-Based treatment of chronic, complex, and treatment-resistant sleep problems. Evidence-Based means that the treatments offered by behavioral sleep medicine providers have been well researched and proven effective. In fact, many of the treatments offered by behavioral sleep medicine providers have been found as effective as or more effective than prescription sleeping pills. These same Evidence-Based treatments are just as effective for simple and short-term sleep problems and can help prevent a small sleep problem from becoming a major sleep disorder. Additional Services Sleep Medicine