Monica uses non-invasive alternative treatments that will help you in many different ways: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually. She is a certified Master/Teacher and a Licensed Massage Therapist, dedicated to providing Reiki Healing and proper certified training since 2007. In addition, Monica offers Reiki Massage, DNA Reiki Therapy, Reflexology, Personal growth guidance/Life coach, Meditation Classes, Chakra Balancing, Soul Therapy.
Tuning Fork Therapy, Aromatherapy and Crystal Therapy in her practice.
ServicesReiki. Reiki not only offers a relief of stress but that it can also heal other conditions and ailments whether they be mental, spiritual and even physical. Reiki can even be used to treat some terminal illnesses or at the very least offer a sense of peace and balance. It is also not based on belief, which means that anyone and everyone can reap the benefits of Reiki.
DNA Reiki Therapy. A DNA Reiki treatment can be done to heal negative inherited genetics and disease. This can be done both in person and at a distance. This energy can have the ability to strengthen and heal your DNA. It is usually combined with a regular Reiki session and/or a crystal healing session.
Reflexology This is a pleasant form of deep relaxation that activates the healing powers of the body. It involves massage to the reflex areas found in the feet that correspond to all parts of the body. It rejuvenates and re-energises the mind, body and spirit and can increase vitality. Reflexology may not only treat the symptoms but also the causes of the symptoms by addressing the body as a whole.
Soul Therapy Is the healing of the Physical, Emotional, and Mental bodies by working with the soul. Even if one does not believe in the soul this process will work. We use some tools specifically designed for this purpose. The tools include Etheric weavers, magnets, crystals, pyramids, and other tools.
Tuning Fork Therapy Tuning Forks emitted sound waves that promote self-healing, deep relaxation and restore mind and body balance. Tuning forks also reduce stress, muscular tension, spasms and pain. Claims of increased blood flow and circulation by freeing constriction of specific organs are also products of tuning fork therapy. Tuning forks are also known to transcend individuals to higher levels of consciousness and enable one to access deep, spiritual insights.
Chakra Balancing Chakra balancing, have to do with making sure that the chakras are functioning correctly. Energy in the chakras can become blocked so that they don't function at their maximum potential. This can result in mental, physical and psychological disturbances. Chakra healing is the process in clearing these blockages so that they can function properly. Additional ServicesReiki/Energy work, Reflexology,