Board Certified of American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine. Classical homeopathic treatment for over fourteen years for children and adults. Osteopathic manipulative therapy. Nutritional consultation. Fasting.
Years In Practice28
Primary Specialty
Holistic Care
EducationMedical School - UTHSCSA - San Antonio Internship Family Medicine - Beaumont, TX
TrainingInternship Family Medicine - Beaumont, TX Canadian Academy of Homeopathy
AffiliationsAmerican Institute of Homeopathy American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine
CertificationAmerican Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine
Office StaffRachel Trahan. Office Manager
Payment OptionsAll major credit cards; Check and Cash.
It was clear after two years Dr. Bekker was attempting to keep me coming back and back to his clinic to keep pumping money into his practice. There was never any end to his treatment it would be ongoing and I had to get what I needed directly from him. After two years I went to a non-holistic doctor and within 3 months was resolved of my issue. I would say I made a mistake going to this doctor for as long as I did and I hope people understand what holistic medicine is and isn't.