Farnam Acupuncture Clinic is dedicated to provide extremely unique acupuncture services including pain management and cosmetic acupuncture. Farnam is specialized in pain management, neck and mid back, lower back, sciatic pain, shoulder pain, knee, ankle, musculoskeletal and arthritis pain, anxiety disorders, stress management, depression, headaches, migraine, sinusitis, allergies, tinnitus, gastrointestinal problems, constipation, diarrhea, hemiplegia due to stroke, numbness of extremities, facial palsy (Bell's palsy), cosmetic Acupuncture and facial rejuvenation.
Farnam is a Medical Doctor from Iran and a CA Board-certified Licensed Acupuncturist and he is passionate about integrating traditional acupuncture with western medicine theories to achieve profound results. When searching for a practitioner, try to find a board-certified Acupuncturist in your state. After shopping around, choose one who has all the answers for you!