Intuitive Psychology, PLC, was developed out of a wish to have a psychology practice with a new perspective on counseling, aimed at helping people intuitively cope and find balance in all areas of their lives...mind, body, and spirit. My practice is dedicated to helping people manage major transitions in their lives, including illness, aging, brain injury, cognitive difficulties and other life changing circumstances. I offer individual therapy, cognitive evaluation, as well as innovative groups and workshops providing unique opportunities for connecting with others, educating participants about important psychological and wellness topics, as well as enhancing personal growth.
ServicesI specialize in working with adults challenged by medical and cognitive issues. Expect help with exploring problem areas, expanding your awareness of solutions available to you, and creating a wellness plan...all with the goal of getting you back to living your life fully and happily as quickly as possible. Intuitive psychology integrates a variety of psychological theories, adding a unique mind-body-spirit approach tailored to your individual needs. Come learn how to listen more clearly to your inner wisdom and find your own answers. Find out more at: www.intuitivepsychologyplc.comAdditional ServicesMedical Psychology, Intuitive Psychology