Muscles help control movement. When they are stressed, overworked or injured, you feel pain, discomfort and a lack of range of motion. Whether you are recovering from surgery, an acute or chronic pain, car accident or neurological issue, Clinical Massage may be able to help. Clinical Massage differs from a relaxation "spa" type of treatment in that it addresses specific muscles and soft tissue that are often the root cause of our pain and dysfunction. Give a call today to learn more and start feeling your best.
Years In Practice28
Primary Specialty
Massage Therapist
EducationUniversity of Connecticut Bancroft school of Massage Therapy Norton school of Lymphedema
CertificationJohn Barnes Myofascial Release Deep Tissue, Nueromuscular Therapy Trigger Point Therapy CCRI Medical Massage at Roger Williams Hospital
Christine is very dedicated and professional. She has given me pain relief from some complicated, long-standing issues when no one else has been able to help.