I specialize in Network Spinal Analysis and Cranial Sacral. What is Network Spinal Analysis (NSA)? NSA consists of gentle contacts along the spine to help the body begin to free up a lifetime of accumulated tension that shows up as apinal pain and habitual muscle holding patterns in the body. As this "frozen energy" begins to move tears may flow, joy and laughter may come, life energy that was "trapped" begins to flow. Imagine living your life with more creativity, imagination and possibility.
I once heard Donny Epstein (founder of NSA) tell a story that describes NSA beautifully. A woman was coming into see him and one day she told him that she told her husband if he didn't come into see Donny she was going to get a divorce. The husband came in. That first day it was like a black thunder cloud walked in. The phones stopped ringing, the waiting area was empty. Donny checked his spine. Next time he came back Donny said how are you doing? Well, Doc, I still have this back pain. A few weeks later when the man came in the phones began to ring while he was in the waiting room. Donny knew something was shifting with this man. Donny asked "How are you doing?" Well, I still have this back pain. One day the man came in with his 9-year-old son. Donny said to the son, tell me what's different about your dad since he came into see me. The boy said, "Well, he stopped hitting my mom and beating me." The father turned towards his son (and donny thought he was going to slap him) and hugged his son and began to sob. Donny said it was a rainbow tweet tweet moment. And Donny said, this is what this work is about. It's about changing lives - not just moving bones - and as that happens the symptoms clear 97% of the time. As the man's habitual holding patterns loosened and let go, his back pain cleared.