Here at the Texas Spine Clinic, we specialize in providing the latest in chiropractic treatment techniques for the community of San Antonio. Whether you are having back or neck pain issues or suffering from a recent injury, we can help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation so we can begin creating a personalized treatment plan for your needs!
ServicesCHIROPRACTIC Our doctors specialize in treatment for disorders affecting the nerves, muscles, joints, and more. In addition to providing thorough tests, we will also create a plan personalized to your issues and needs to ensure consistent recovery.
LASER THERAPY The Texas Spine Clinic uses the LiteCure LCT-1000 laser therapy system to help alleviate pain and promote healing. Our laser treatments are non-surgical and can help treat issues including neck, back, and joint pain.
DRX 9000 SPINAL DECOMPRESSION Our spinal decompression process features a gentle, non-surgical/non-anesthesia treatment to decompress and relax your spine. This method of treatment is effective for handling issues from herniated or bulging discs, back pain, and more.