Dale retired from a career with Publix to pursue an eduction in nutritional excellence for health, weight loss and disease prevention/reversal. A typical American man, Dale was 50lbs overweight and struggled with weight issues even though he was often on the Atkins diet. He suffered many maladies he thought were a part of the aging process: heartburn, indigestion, hemorrhoids, constipation, headaches, ED, heart disease, fatigue, foggy mind, painful arthrits, etc. Sound familiar? Once Dale learned about the body's miraculous ability to heal itself from disease, he changed his diet and experienced a profound health transformation. After studying under the leading doctors in nutritional wellness, like Drs John McDougall, Joel Fuhrman, Neal Barnard, among others, he is now ready to share this amazing information with you! The evidence is clear and irrefutable: You do not have to be sick! Adopting a health promoting diet has been proven to reverse chronic diseases like arthritis, heart disease and even many types of cancer. No expensive supplements to buy, just real food to nourish your body properly so that it can begin the healing process. Dale will teach you how and coach you through your cravings and unhealthy habits. What are you waiting for? Good health can be yours. Visit our website to learn more and sign up for one of our classes if you like. We are here to help you on your journey to health.
ServicesDale is available for individual or group coaching sessions to help others realize their health and weight goals. Award winning classes from the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) are taught throughout the year in the Gainesville area and can be scheduled anywhere in North Florida where at least 10 people are ready to reclaim the vibrant health God created us to enjoy. Dale would love the opportunity to introduce this life saving information to your group, church, workplace, small study group, classroom or family. Classes we offer: (all PCRM classes include recipes, food preparation presentations and sampling) Biblical Nutrition 101 (perfect for a Sunday School class or small group) PCRM: The Cancer Project PCRM; Diabetes Initiative PCRM: Workplace Wellness Dr Joel Fuhrman's "Eat for Health" intensive course Free Introductory Class: The Miraculous Self Healing Body and green smoothie demonstrationAdditional ServicesNutrition for weightloss, anti aging, disease prevention/reversal