Local family owned, independent, private physical therapy practice. We provide a customer experience that is personal and fun while helping patients improve their pain and function. We have extensive experience in many areas of rehabilitation and specialize in all orthopedic conditions, back and neck pain, joint replacements, plantar fasciitis and foot/ankle pain, peripheral neuropathy, headaches, and all myofascial and pain problems. We often succeed where others have failed because of our hands-on approach and constant problem solving and reassessment of each patient. Once you experience the level of expertise and caring at Activecare Physical Therapy, you will never go anywhere else!
ServicesPhysical therapy, Thermography, Infrared Imaging, massage therapy, Graston technique, IASTYM, McKenzie Method, decompression therapy, Anodyne Therapy, and man other options. We give your the treatments you need to get better faster!