Stradtman Family Wellness offers natural and functional wellness for a number of conditions and symptoms. Through cutting-edge lab analysis, and data-driven natural protocols, you can overcome chronic conditions and disease through a systemic approach. We help clients with many conditions from hormonal imbalances, thyroid conditions, auto-immune, GI pathogens, etc.
Instead of treating the test results or the symptoms directly, we use a system-wide, non-specific approach to healing. When we begin working together, we will first run functional labs that create an individualized picture of your current health state. Next, we uncover several hidden stressors inside the body from hormone imbalances, immune dysregulation, digestive function, detox function, energy production, and the nervous system until we figure out the "weak spots."
This proven methodology offers a powerful diagnostic approach and is how we can help so many clients regain their health. We believe in you should look and feel good naturally.