At Georgetown Family Hypnosis & Massage Therapy we are committed to providing the highest quality of service that will facilitate healing in your body, mind and soul. We appreciate your interest in our services and please feel free to contact Mary-Virginia Mach-Wier LMT, CH with any questions that you may have or to schedule an appointment.
ServicesWe invite you to experience our Therapeutic Massages, Craniosacral Therapy, and Lymph Drainage Therapy. CranioSacral Therapy is a form of light touch manual bodywork, using generally no greater than 5 grams of touch that treats restrictions in the body restoring health and preventing disease. Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) is an original hands-on method of lymphatic drainage developed by Bruno Chikly, MD, of France. Created out of his award-winning research on the lymphatic system, LDT takes traditional lymph drainage techniques and adds a level of precision consistent with recent scientific discoveries.