Ira Belinsky, DPM

Ira Belinsky, DPM
3209 Edgmont Ave Brookhaven, PA 19015

Ira Belinsky, DPM

Ira Belinsky, DPM practices as a Podiatrist in Brookhaven, PA.
Primary Specialty


Services Ira Belinsky, DPM provides podiatry in Brookhaven, PA at 3209 Edgmont Ave, Brookhaven, PA 19015. Podiatrists are able to treat conditions and disorders of the foot, ankle and lower leg. A Podiatrist may treat bunions, calluses, ingrown toenails, heel spurs or foot deformities.

To determine if Ira Belinsky, DPM can help you, please call the Brookhaven, PA office at (610) 876-7419 for more information.
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Did this provider's staff seem to respect him/her?
Definitely! They staff spoke very highly of him/her
Did you feel like this provider's office was understaffed?
Somewhat, they could've used more help
Does this provider treat every client equally?
Definitely, they make everyone feel equally respected and cared for
Are you confident that this provider will continue working with you until a solution is reached?
Absolutely! I'm confident they will work hard to find the best solution for me
by Fcephas
January 09, 2014