Michele Dunleavy, Owner
Stress Management Consulting/Speaking
1616 E. Strasburg Rd.
West Chester, PA 19380
Michele Dunleavy, Owner
Simplifyyourstress is a dynamic business that takes a unique approach towards reducing and/or eliminating the stressors in an individual's life. and can be contacted at simplifyyourstress@gmail.com. The business has been "out there" on the web for a year and half and the owner, Michele Dunleavy, has been "practicing" these proven strategies for 17 + years as a teacher and a coach.
The mission of Simplifyyourstress is to educate, lead guide and motivate individuals to take control of their stress before it takes control of them. By the same token, if it has already taken a hold of you- it is "OKAY." It is simply time to pause, re-evaluate yourself and take that positive step forward to create a better, healthier, more well YOU!
As complicated as stress management may seem to many- it can be perceived and managed in a very simplistic fashion. Simplifyyourstress does that through "real connections" involving real stories, real conversations and actual events that happen to so many of us on a regular basis. The learning that evolves happens because of the "connections" and the "involvement' of both the speaker and the audience. When people convene to listen, participate, discuss, share and "experience" a stress management workshop by Simplifyyourstress- true LEARNING takes place. Learning that allows participants to take away very feasible actions, positive behavior changes. It is a Win- Win result for Simplifyyourstess and its audience as an optimistic feeling that is powerful, contagious and healthy permeates during and after their workshops/sessions.
Years In Practice
Primary Specialty
Stress Management Specialists
Undergraduate degree- Ursinus College B.S in Education - Health and Physical Education(1988)
Masters Degree- Wilkes University in Educational Strategies (2010)
My formal training is simply "reality" as an educator for 17 years and a coach for 22 years. This is what I have been doing the majority of my life and I am quite confident, comfortable and exceptional at what I have done and continue to do in order to help others live well.
PA Certification to teach HPE- Level II Instruction
Office Staff
1- Michele Dunleavy
Payment Options
The services of Simplifyyourstress, which can be reached at 484-467-1354, or simplifyyourstress@gmail.com, include and are not limited to the following:
- Speaking Engagements on varied and diverse topics ( i.e Time Management, Self-Esteem, Communication, Emotions, Perception, Music and Movement, Exercise, Laughter-n- Lightheartedness, Anxiety and Fears, Bullying, Empowerment)
- Workshops/Sessions - These can include 2-3,4,5 sessions that include topics of your choice, for your needs and application to one's specific needs in the workplace, or personal space, home.(probably both!).
- 1 day event- This could include 1-2 topics of choice for a professional development day, or Team Building event for your staff/team that could be 1-2 hours in length. It could also be an "intensive" day that lasts 5-6 hours and includes 2-3 topics of choice/need for your team/staff and allows adequate time for breakout sessions for "sharing, exploring, and evolving" for the betterment of the whole team/staff.
Additional Services
Education and Motivation
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Above average website, easy to navigate, simple and clean!
by Michele
April 27, 2015