Similar to concierge medicine, Robert E. Ellis, MD provides his patients with fully personalized and attentive care. An internal medicine doctor, his MDVIP-affiliated practice is open to patients, including medicare and commercially insured, in Louisville and the surrounding area. Contact his team today to learn about the benefits of a private doctor.
Primary Specialty
EducationUniversity of Louisville School of Medicine, University of Louisville School of Medicine, University of Louisville School of Medicine
TrainingUniversity of Louisville, University of Louisville, University of Louisville, University of Louisville
ServicesRobert Ellis provides internal medicine in Louisville, KY. Robert Ellis is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Dr. Robert E. Ellis, MD in Louisville, KY, please call (502) 719-0782.
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Dr. Ellis has been my medical provider for many years and I have used his services for my medical needs since he enrolled with the MDVIP program. He truly focuses on the" total health experience" for his patients and has followed up on medical concerns for me that I don't think other physicians would have anticipated as an issue. His dedication to and caring for his patients is outstanding.
Dr. Ellis has been my doctor for over 40 years. During that time he has seen me through many issues and has always been truthful and professional . I would recommend him to all my friends.