Similar to concierge medicine, James A. Morris, MD, FACP provides his patients with fully personalized and attentive care. A board-certified internal medicine doctor, his MDVIP-affiliated practice is open to patients, including medicare and commercially insured, in Wynnewood and the surrounding area. Contact his team today to learn about the benefits of a private doctor.
Primary Specialty
EducationTemple University Medical School, Temple University Medical School
ServicesJames Morris provides internal medicine in Wynnewood, PA. James Morris is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Dr. James A. Morris, MD, FACP in Wynnewood, PA, please call (610) 642-7500.
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Our doctor, James A. Morris, is the epitome of the consummate physician. His care and treatment in physical illness situations have enabled maintenance of a healthy lifestyle for my wife and myself. His compassion and understanding towards us in times of emotional distress have been both comforting and uplifting. Dr. Morris is our “TOP DOC”!
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I have been with Dr. Morris since 1982. He posesses a true work ethic, knowledgeable, experience expertise, & a true gentleman & professional MD. I would recommend anyone to Dr. Morris; he will see to it that you are treated with the utmost dignity & any specialists if needed. I have always been able to count on Dr Morris for even the smallest of issues.