Individual Customized professional,Therapeutic Massage. Specialized in Myofascial Massage, TMJ, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Injuries from MVA, Sport Injury, Post Surgical recovery. Skeletal restructure, joint spacing, postural realignment. Home exercise program for increasing strength and stability. Advanced Reiki Energy Sessions may be scheduled both on site and remotely. Professional balancing and reinforcement of the entire Body Energy System including the chakras, meridian pathways and aura. Advanced Rainbow Reiki, Qigong, Polarity and Reflexology and Massage options for your optimal holistic healing approach
ServicesTherapeutic Massage Ortho Massage Myofascial Bodywork Reiki Polarity Reflexology Life Coaching Fitness Trainer PTA Chakra Balancing Reinforcement of Body Energy system Treatment of TMJ Specialized Fibromyalgia MassageAdditional ServicesHolistic Healing utilizing Mind-Heart-Body Awareness and Connection. Customized Ortho Massages with Myofascial Bodywork, Advanced Reiki Sessions, Reiki Classes