
RenewFX 3131 Westwick Drive Houston, TX 77082


“Aging is Natural…Feeling Old is Optional”
RenewFX Hormone Therapy Specialists enable Men and Women to achieve healthy aging through proactive, preventive medicine.

RenewFX patients want to turn back the clock to how they felt and looked when they were in their prime years. THEY WANT THAT BACK!

They want to be actively engaged, rediscover their energy and enthusiasm for life along with the sexual drive that they once enjoyed…they want to look good and feel their very best!

RenewFX is your specialized concierge healthcare partner, providing constant communication, guidance and oversight, every step of the way. RenewFX subscribes to a functional and integrative medicine approach including customized hormone therapy programs, nutritional guidance and exercise physiology that best addresses your individual requirements and goals with long-term solutions. We don’t treat labs. We treat patients.
Primary Specialty

Dietitian - Nutritionist

Services Hormone Therapy, Human Growth Hormone
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