image609 As a Chiropractor, I focus on the spine. Just like a cardiologist works with the heart and a Dentist works with the teeth, I work with your spine. Chiropractors are also the largest providers of complementary and alternative medicine; that means we are Holistic Physicians. We don't prescribe synthetic drugs to change your symptoms, we work with your body in natural ways to help it function better and grow you back into a healthy person.Top 12 Conditions We Treat
image612 Neck/Hip Pain & Scoliosis
Neck and Hip pain can be debilitating, and affect the way we move every day. Scoliosis can add a number of postural issues, along with strain on the back. Headaches & Vertigo
It's hard to ignore when you have a headache, or feel dizzy. These are symptoms of greater issues that we can treat. Ankle & Foot Pain
Creating a limp, or even progressing until you cannot put weight on your leg, ankle and foot pain can keep you out of work, or make it difficult to even get around the house. Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is one of the most common issues that we treat. An issue that can trickle up and out and cause any number of other problems. Elbow, Wrist, & Hand Pain
Work a job that requires you to move your arms? Probably. Part of pain in the arm is that it can take you away from doing the things you want to do. Shoulder Pain & TMJ
Shoulder pain and Temporomandibular Joint disorder both are common issues.