PracticeLVPG Obstetrics and Gynecology-Fogelsville
Jennifer Schumaker
Our services include:
-Well-woman visits (pelvic exam and Pap test)
-Contraception management and education
-Preconception and infertility counseling
-High- and low-risk pregnancy and childbirth care
-Breast and bone health monitoring
-Menopause management
-Ultrasound and imaging services
-Office-based gynecological surgery
-Advanced laparoscopic surgery
-Adolescent gynecology and education
-Pregnancy 101 course
Adolescent Gynecology, Behavioral and Mental Health Care for Women, Biophysical Profile (Prenatal), Birth Control, Breast Examination, Breast Health Services, Endometrial Biopsy, Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT), Family Planning, Fecal Occult Blood Test, Fertility Testing, Fetal Monitoring, Fetal Non Stress Testing, Gonorrhea Screening, Gynecologic Health, Gynecological Examination, HIV Screening, Hormone Testing, Hysterosalpingogram, Imaging, Pelvic, Infertility in Women, Isoimmunization, IUD Insertion and Removal, LGBTQ+ Family Planning, Mammogram, Menstruation, Midwife Services, Nutrition in Pregnancy, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Osteoporosis Screening, Ovarian Cystectomy, Pap Smear, Pelvic Examination, Pessary Check, Pessary Insertion, Post Partum Exam, Pregnancy Care and Childbirth, Pregnancy Test, Pregnancy Ultrasound, Prenatal Education, Prenatal Sequential Screening, Prenatal Care, Rh Incompatibility Screening, Sexual Health, Sexually Transmitted Infections Screening, Testing During Pregnancy, Testing During Pregnancy – First Trimester, Testing During Pregnancy – Second Trimester, Ultrasound, Urinalysis, Well Woman Care and Cancer Screening, Women’s Health