Jeremy S Stevens, MD, is an orthopedic specialist practicing at SBL Orthopedics & Sports Medicine in Mattoon, IL. He completed his medical education at the University of Illinois School of Medicine in Chicago. Dr Stevens went on to complete his residency at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY, and further specialized with a Sports Medicine Fellowship under Dr F Harlan Selesnick in Miami, FL. With his comprehensive training and expertise in orthopedics and sports medicine, Dr Stevens is well-equipped to provide high-quality care to patients in the Mattoon area.
Primary Specialty
Orthopedic Surgeon
EducationUniversity of Illinois School of Medicine, Chicago, IL (Medical Education)
ServicesJeremy Stevens, MD provides orthopedic surgery in Mattoon, IL. Orthopedic Surgeons often treat degenerative conditions in the bones and joints as well as serious injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Jeremy Stevens, MD in Mattoon, IL, please call (217) 238-3435.