Melissa Mills Featured Provider
Melissa Mills
Melissa L. Mills, CRNP Office

(215) 316-5151

Fax (856) 845-4890 1006 Mantua Pike Penn Medicine Woodbury Heights Woodbury Heights, NJ 08097

Melissa Mills

Melissa Mills practices as an OBGYN in Woodbury Heights, NJ.
Primary Specialty


Practice Melissa L. Mills, CRNP
Gender Female
Accepting New Patients
Insurances Accepted Cigna, Cigna Medicare, Highmark Blue Shield, Highmark Blue Shield Medicare, NJ Amerihealth, NJ Medicare, Rail Road Medicare / Palmetto GBA
Degrees Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner
Admitting Hospitals Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Services birth control, birth control counseling, breast cancer prevention and risk reduction, breast cancer screening, breast examination, breastfeeding support, cervical biopsy, colposcopy, endometrial biopsy, family planning, gynecological exam, hormone replacement therapy, intrauterine device (iud) placement, lactation support, long acting reversible contraceptive, office gynecology, oral contraceptive, oral contraceptive counseling, pap smear, pelvic floor exercise, pessary, preconception counseling, pregnancy counseling, preventative women healthcare, reproductive health, routine gynecological care, suture removal, uterine fibroid embolization counseling, vaginal biopsy, women's health Additional Services Gynecologist
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