Dr. Annalisa C. Hawthorne is a board-certified family practice physician in Newberg, OR. In her practice, Dr. Hawthorne emphasizes treating the whole person. She believes that physical, mental, and environmental factors can all have a significant impact on health. Dr. Hawthorne sees her role as guide and navigator through an often complex health care system. She is passionate about patient education, helping patients understand their health conditions, and empowering them to take control of their long-term well being.
CertificationAmerican Board of Family Medicine - Family Medicine
Not Accepting New Patients
Insurances AcceptedProvidence Health Plan Medicaid, Health Net, Care Oregon Medicaid, Atrio Health Plans Medicare Advantage, Care Oregon Medicare Advantage, Allcare Health Plan Medicaid, United Behavioral Health, United Behavioral Health Medicare Advantage, Providence Health Plan, Pacific Medical Center TRICARE, Provider Network Of America, Health Net, Medicare Advantage, Providence Health Plan Medicare Advantage, Aetna Medicare Advantage PPO, Health Net-Tricare, United Healthcare, Cigna PPO