Sarah W. Milam is a physical therapist in The Dalles, OR. Milam is dedicated to providing innovative medical services in a caring and professional atmosphere. She is also committed to service, innovation, and quality care, while serving the needs of the community.
PracticeProvidence Gorge Spine and Sports Medicine The Dalles Outpatient Clinic
Accepting New Patients
Insurances AcceptedAgeRight Advantage, Samaritan Health Plan - Med Advantage, Providence Health Plan - Medicaid, InterCommunity Health Plan - Medicaid, Private HealthCare Systems (PHCS), PacificSource Health Plans, Moda - Connexus, Majoris Health Systems, Providence Health Plan - Medicare Advantage, Cigna PPO, Aetna PPO, Moda Health Med Advantage, Providence Preferred, Providence Health Plan
Office NameProvidence Gorge Spine and Sports Medicine The Dalles Outpatient Clinic