Dustin Cheney

Wellness.com Featured Provider
Dustin Cheney
Providence Primary Care - Progress Ridge Office

(503) 216-8820

12345 Southwest Horizon Boulevard Suite 57A Beaverton, OR 97007

Directions to 12345 Southwest Horizon Boulevard Suite 57A, Beaverton, OR 97007



Primary Specialty

Family Doctor

Practice Providence Primary Care - Progress Ridge
Gender Male
Education Western University, Pomona, CA
Certification American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians - Family Medicine/OMT

Dustin Cheney

Dr. Dustin C. Cheney is a family practice physician in Beaverton, OR. In his practice, Dr. Cheney makes the patient’s medical goals his number one priority and considers his most important role to be an advisor. He is committed to taking the time to answer questions and empowering his patients to make choices about their care.


Primary Care, Family Medicine, Camp Physicals, Cancer Prevention & Screening, Chronic Disease Management, Diet & Nutrition, Geriatrics, Preventive Medicine, Prostate Exams, Vaccinations, Wellness