Mary Souers
Providence Rehab and Sports Therapy - Bridgeport
Office (503) 216-0680
18040 Southwest Lower Boones Ferry Road
Suite 200
Tigard, OR 97224
Primary Specialty
Physical Therapist
Providence Rehab and Sports Therapy - Bridgeport
Mary Souers
Mary Souers is a physical therapist in Tigard, OR. She has an advanced certification as a manual therapist from IFOMPT. Souers has over three decades of treating outpatient orthopedics and experience with sport-related injuries for adults, as well as high school, college and professional-level athletes. Additional areas of interest include cervical and lumbar stabilization, critical evaluation and progression of treatment modalities of shoulder, knee and ankle injuries with an emphasis on function and goals to allow a safe successful return to sports. She has worked with high school and club soccer programs to screen for ACL injury prevention as well as implemented an ACL injury prevention program.
Physical Therapy