I originally came from Mississippi where there wasn't adequate access to healthcare, and I've had several family members who have had cancer and had to travel for care. I became a physician assistant to try and bridge the gap to access to healthcare. When I was in high school was diagnosed with a brain tumor so it's been close to my heart to help cancer patients anyway I can. I want patients to know that everything we do for them is what we would do for our own family members and that we will go above and beyond to make sure they get everything they need.
CertificationNational Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants
Accepting New Patients
Insurances AcceptedAetna, Anthem BlueCross BlueShield, Arkansas Health & Wellness (formerly NovaSys Health), CareWorks Managed Care Services (formerly Rockport Workers Comp), Cherokee Nation Tribal Authority: South Central, Choctaw National Tribe Authority: South Central, Cigna, Each Care Network, Employers' Health Choice PPO (HealthSCOPE), Empower Health Care Solutions (PASSE), HealthChoice, Humana, MultiPlan/PHCS, Municipal Health Benefit Fund, National Comp Care, PPO Plus (formerly AMCO), QualChoice, Summit Community Care (PASSE), TRICARE (Humana Military), TriWest (VA), United Healthcare