Associate Professor of Medicine. Following her graduation from Cornell University Medical College, Dr. Soave completed training in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Cornell. She was Chief Medical Resident at MSKCC 1979-80. She subsequently studied the enteric infections of HIV infected patients with a particular emphasis on the immunopathogenesis, detection, and treatment of cryptosporidiosis and other coccidial diseases. Dr. Soave subsequently expanded her clinical and research interests to include the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and immunopathogenesis of selected viral, fungal and bacterial infections in hematopoietic stem cell and solid organ transplant recipients She provides expert comprehensive infectious diseases care to patients receiving autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, as well recipients of renal, pancreatic, and liver allografts. Dr. Soave is currently studying the epidemiology, immunopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of viral infections complicating solid organ and bone marrow transplantation including HHV-6, BKV, CMV and the respiratory viruses. She is also conducting a clinical trial of Fludase for parainfluenza infection in the immunocompromised host.
PracticeWeill Cornell Medicine - Infectious Diseases
Not Accepting New Patients
Insurances AcceptedEmpire Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield Healthplus, Aetna - NYP, AETNA, VNSNY CHOICE, United Healthcare, Oxford Health Plans, Health Insurance Plan of NY (HIP), GHI, UnitedHealthcare, CIGNA
DegreesMedical Doctor
Office NameWeill Cornell Medicine - Infectious Diseases