Vincent Antosz, MD, is board certified in internal medicine, which he practices as a hospitalist - a physician who specializes in caring for patients in hospitals. Dr. Antosz earned his medical degree at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago. He completed his internship at the Illinois Masonic Medical Center, followed by a residency at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital and a second residency at the University of Miami in Florida. Dr. Antosz is passionate about his work, and finds caring mmediacy of his work. In his spare time, Dr. Antosz attends cultural activities and spends time with his family and friends.
ServicesVincent Antosz provides internal medicine in Arcadia, CA. Vincent Antosz is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Vincent Lloyd Antosz, MD in Arcadia, CA, please call (213) 861-5810.Additional ServicesSurgeon