I chose surgical oncology because of my love of research. It's an ever-changing field and we have treatments today that weren't around a few years ago. I've always wanted to participate in research and be on the cutting edge. In surgical oncology, you always are. The research we're doing doesn't mean our surgical methods are changing, but as new chemotherapies and new medicines appear, it often gives surgical oncologists better opportunities to help. We can do surgeries we couldn't do years ago because we have chemotherapies that shrink and control the tumors. Most recent research is on medicines or chemotherapy agents. That's propelling us forward at this point. I'd tell my patients never give up hope. There is so much we can do these days that did not exist even years ago, there are always new treatments. We individualize a treatment plan to a specific patient. We'll find a way to care for you and we will find a way to get you the treatment that you need.