With heart disease being the world's leading cause of death, accounting for more than - 25% of all deaths - , everyone should reevaluate their diet. Eating the wrong foods could increase your cholesterol and blood pressure levels, thereby paving the way for heart disease. However, eating more of the following 7 foods will have the opposite effect and will help promote a healthy heart. #1) Almonds -...
They’re aromatic, pungent and tasty, but the benefits of cooking with onion and garlic may go far beyond their incredible flavor profiles. B-oth packed with nutrients and powerful antioxidants, these gems have been staples in folk medicine for thousands of years-, and many of those remedies persist across the world today. Now, even modern medicine is finally backing some of their health claims. Studies...
Malnourishment is depressingly more common than we would think, especially among seniors. One study - found that about 25% of all seniors and 44% of seniors with dementia are malnourished and up to 50% of all older adults are at risk for malnourishment. Changes in the way your brain perceives taste, swallowing difficulties, inadequate time to make healthy food, financial concerns, and myriad other...
Even though science has yet to discover the proverbial fountain of youth, there are many foods that contain anti-aging properties that can help increase one's lifespan and avert illnesses such as osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes. By eating the right foods, you can put the brakes on the aging process, feel healthier and live an active lifestyle to stay in shape. Here's a list of eight tasty...
Many people flock to coffee shops to grab a steaming hot cup of their favorite coffee. While coffee has some benefits, it can also provide loads upon loads of too much caffeine, weird chemicals, and worst of all, bad breath and stained teeth! Tea is much more customizable and beneficial. What are the perks of being a tea drinker? - Antioxidant Benefits - While coffee has antioxidants, tea is a richer...
Caffeine is insanely popular. It’s a magical drug that can help you feel awake when you’re not actually. It increases your heart rate and blood pressure. It increases circulation to your brain, therefore -prompting studies- that show coffee can help prevent cognitive decline and increase concentration. It can even induce panic attacks, but you know, that’s another story. Here are some of the top four...
We may not always take the time to appreciate our health and energy. But every day, our bodies perform incredible balancing acts to boost both our well-being and our energy levels, to keep us alive and keep us healthy. As part of those efforts, our cells produce waste products and those include free radicals. Normally, free radicals are part of the body’s balancing act. When they are out of balance,...
It’s one of the latest trends in healthy dieting. Celery juice has made headlines on popular sites like -Goop-, -Forbes- and -Shape-, and the list of its potential benefits has made the bright green concoction an Instagram sensation. Of course, no one food or drink is ever a cure-all, but the real benefits that come with this one might have you reaching for your juicer. Drinking celery juice just may...
Packing only -85 calories- per cup, blueberries are as good for your waistline as they are for your body. They contain loads of health-boosting vitamins and nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, protein and fiber. What’s more, they can ward off disease and help us remain in tip-top shape. And the best part? They’re available year-round in both fresh and frozen varieties. Blueberries...
How many colors do you eat each day? A well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables is essential to a long, healthy life. But it's complicated to keep track of how often we eat broccoli. One way to eat better is to try to eat the rainbow every day. (And we don't mean Skittles!) The broader the array of colors we eat, the more varied the nutrients. Need some help adding more color...