Tagged as Cheating

According to the Associated Press and the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 22% of men admit to cheating on their significant other, while 14% of women admit to infidelity. And according to a 2013 study referenced in the Huffington Post, women had more affairs in the past two decades than in previous years. Clearly, cheating on our partners is increasing and it’s becoming easier to do through...
October 2, 2020
An emotional attachment to another person while in a relationship can be just as devastating to a partner as a physical affair. However, it is also possible to simply have a good friend who shares an emotional bond, without being in anything more than a friendship relationship. But sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. According to the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, about...
August 14, 2020
I hold a somewhat unpopular view on cheaters and being cheated on. I see little difference between being the one who goes outside the bounds of a committed relationship and being the one whose been cheated on even though it might not seem that way in the moment. My opinion is that both people are looking to regain their self-worth, dignity, and self-respect during and after the affair. Both people...
June 29, 2018
In my -last post-, I addressed people whose spouses have cheated on them and tried to offer some guidelines for surviving the crisis. In this post I'd like to speak to those on the other side of the equation, namely, the cheaters. In particular I will be speaking to folks who have already been caught and who would like to save the marriage – if you are planning to leave the marriage anyway, that is...
February 5, 2018
If you’ve ever been suspicious of your man, there was probably a good reason. According to multiple studies, anywhere between 25% and 72% of men seek a little something on the side. What’s more shocking is that 70% of women have no idea their guy is one of the ones who is cheating! - No wonder infidelity is such a hot topic! Especially now! Thanks to social media and sites like Tinder, it’s easier...
December 12, 2017