Most people know that high blood pressure is a health risk and that blood pressure that drops too low can also be a problem. But what about when it bounces back and forth between the two extremes? It turns out that’s not good for you, either. And when it happens at a younger age, it may signal an increased risk of other health problems later in life. Why is Fluctuating Blood Pressure a Problem? - The...
According to the -National Institutes of Health-, approximately 41.6% of the US population has a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiencies can be linked to lower energy levels, and immune system function as well as a number of diseases, including multiple sclerosis, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) and cancer. Are you getting enough vitamin D for optimal health? - How the Body Makes and Uses Vitamin...
Body mass index-, or BMI, is a tool for estimating a person’s body composition. High percentages of body fat can indicate higher risks for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea and other weight-related conditions. But BMI is just one of several numbers to consider when looking at a person's health. Consider: a person is relatively thin, their BMI is normal, and yet they have high blood pressure....
Regular blood pressure (BP) monitoring is a mainstay in catching certain forms of heart disease, such as -atherosclerosis. Many doctors encourage patients to have a good blood pressure monitor at home and to make regular use of it. Even done regularly, however, this practice can have its limits. Recent studies have shown we may get more out of our BP monitoring if we take some of those readings in...
High blood pressure is no joke. Nearly -one in three- U.S. adults suffer from hypertension, and only about half are able to keep theirs controlled. Several factors, such as obesity, tobacco use, inactivity and high alcohol intake, can contribute to higher readings, but diet is one of the biggest offenders. Check out this yummy list of foods that might help turn the tide. Diet plays a role in blood...
Your vision can change a lot over the years, and it’s usually not for the better. A new prescription can fix the problem in most instances, but there are times when the cause is more than outdated glasses. You’ll want to see your doctor as soon as possible if you recognize any of these other potential causes of blurry vision. You may be suffering from symptoms of high blood pressure, high blood sugar,...
Are you always reaching for the salt shaker at mealtime? Do you eat fast food or processed food? Do you eat out? If you answered yes, then you are likely one of the 90% of Americans who consume too much salt in their diet. 90% of us! So that's most of us. But at Wellness we're concerned about this because new research shows that while those delicious crystals might ramp up the flavor, they can have...
The movies would have us think that being startled or a little angry might make our blood pressure rise to deadly levels. Which is obviously pretty false, or at least overblown, but if that's the case, where does high blood pressure actually come from? - We may have temporary blood pressure changes at intervals throughout our lives, such as higher blood pressure when we are frightened or stressed....
“If your blood pressure doesn’t come down, we’re going to have to send you to Tampa,” my OBGYN told me as I lay in a hospital bed during the 30th week of pregnancy. I looked at the doctor with a shocked expression on my face and told him, ”It’s too soon.” It wasn’t until that moment I really understood just how dangerous preeclampsia was. A note from our editor:- May is Preeclampsia Awareness Month....
These little yummies are a real wonder. They have a ton of fiber, minerals, and vitamins not to mention protein. They're good for heart health, lowering cholesterol, and may even improve blood sugar and a number of other things. They can help us lose weight and they have an incredible shelf life. Legumes are an important part of human nutrition, packed with many of the nutrients our bodies need to...