I was just appalled when I read this recent article in the NY Times Skin Deep: Is the 'Mom Job' Really Necessary? http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/04/fashion/04skin.html?emc=eta1 It seems that all moms in America are being told that their body after baby is not acceptable and that plastic surgery is the only answer. I visit the gym and see moms everywhere that have been tucked, lipo'd and siliconed....
I am currently at a big dermasurgery meeting in Chicago and am taking in all that I can on the lastest and greatest on ways to get rid of unwanted fat. I perform tumescent liposuction in my office, so I am always interested in what is new and improved here. This is what is being said by the researchers/investigators in the field: First, mesotherapy is being renamed "Injectable lipolysis." It is a more...
As far as I am concerned, mesotherapy (injecting a liquid material into the body in order to cause something to dissolve) is the latest "snake oil" licensed and unlicensed practitioners are using to take advantage of our naïve, beauty craving American public. Known as "Lipo-dissolve" or "Lipo-stabil," mesotherapy involves a series of injections into fatty areas that supposedly makes the fat disappear....