I was just appalled when I read this recent article in the NY Times Skin Deep: Is the 'Mom Job' Really Necessary? http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/04/fashion/04skin.html?emc=eta1
It seems that all moms in America are being told that their body after baby is not acceptable and that plastic surgery is the only answer. I visit the gym and see moms everywhere that have been tucked, lipo'd and siliconed. My goodness, what does this tell our children? What does this mean for the women who can't afford plastic surgery? How do the women who choose not to be sucked and inflated feel in comparison? How many women are unhappy because of complications that happen during these serious surgeries? I am not wanting to make judgment on any one person who has decided to get a "mom job." I am more concerned about the state of our society that we feel such pressure to look a certain way. There are many ways to take care of your body and bring your body back to strength after baby. Obviously, I focus on those changes every day in my classes. I'm just really concerned about the message and the pressure that moms have today. Instead of mommy makeovers, I would love for us to be more focused on being model moms. Healthy role models that is!