Tagged as Sexuality

Our sexual health is one of the most important elements of our whole being and natural existence, and yet one that is often shunned, ignored or found to be downright "dirty." A mentor of mine once said, "You should look at EVERY person as a sexual being!" - In my fertility practice, I constantly have patients asking about ways to bring about or keep the "spark" alive in their relationship. I think...
July 30, 2021
Depression is hard enough when it doesn’t affect your intimate life. But it can be downright devastating when its treatment also strips us of that one vital pleasure. Antidepressants cause sexual dysfunction in many users, but there are solutions. Some people find it’s a side effect that wanes over time if they wait it out, while others may need to switch to a different antidepressant or add a new...
November 14, 2019
Sex drive can vary significantly between people, so one person's “normal” might not be the same as their partner’s. But what can we do when there’s obviously an issue? How do we know if we’re just “not in the mood” or if something else is affecting our sex drive? There’s a difference between having a low sex drive and not being in the mood. Hormones, age and health issues can reduce sex drive, while...
September 24, 2019
Have you considered introducing sex toys into your relationship, but fear the move might do more harm than good? It’s a common concern and one that may have some merit. We can help you sort out the details. Sex toys definitely have the potential to either help or hurt a relationship, depending on how they’re used. They can help women who have a hard time achieving orgasm, and they can help men who...
August 22, 2019
Sexual wholeness is much more than a concept for me. Having taken an arduous journey from sexually damaged to sexually whole, it’s become my reality, my passion, my wisdom, and my teaching. I’m so grateful to embody this state of wholeness, so that I may be an example of what is possible. Wholeness is defined as an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting. Because our sexual...
June 29, 2018
Maybe you've heard the staggering statistic that 3 out of every 5 women have been sexually abused. Although it's very difficult to try and comprehend that level of abuse, what if I told you that in actuality, 100% of women have been sexually abused? - I assume you would look at me with confusion. However, after my explanation I'll bet that it will make much more sense. Usually when we think of sexual...
September 26, 2016