Tagged as Sleep Remedy

Lights out! After a long day you meet your pillow for the usual sleep date. Unless you participate in a sleep study, you won’t have a specific idea of what you look like when you are sleeping.  However you definitely have preferences, tendencies and sleeping habits! This means sleeping positions become repetitive, and you tend to adopt certain postures.  What category do you fit into?  The stomach...
March 14, 2025
Getting enough sleep is essential to living a happy and well-balanced life. Without the necessary 7-9 hours of daily sleep your body cannot perform optimally. Lack of sleep can make you grumpy and irritable and can negatively effect your brain’s ability to function. If we consistently don't get enough sleep it can even lead to irregular heart beat, heart disease, high blood pressure, heart failure...
January 18, 2023
An estimated -40 millions Americans- over the age of 18 suffer from -anxiety- each year, according to the -Anxiety and Depression Association of America. This struggle is so much more than worrying about work or a family member, it is persistent and difficult to manage. The connection between -anxiety and insomnia is a frustrating cycle-, like a merry-go-round of worry and sleeplessness. Not only do...
May 7, 2022
According to the -NHS-, the first step in treating insomnia is to "find out whether the problem is being caused by an underlying medical condition." Book an appointment with your GP to determine if your insomnia is the result of a medical condition or something less worrisome. Other causes of insomnia include high stress levels, depression and an overall negative sleeping pattern. It is worth trying...
April 28, 2022
There are those who seem to fall asleep the moment their head hits the pillow. Then there are those who stare at the ceiling, struggling to settle down for 30 minutes, an hour or more before finally dozing off. Being able to fall asleep quickly is important because it allows us to get the maximum amount of rest before the alarm sounds. And it helps us to didge the anxiety we might stir up if we lay...
October 18, 2019
A good night’s sleep is vital. Sleep promotes healthy brain function, not to mention physical and emotional well-being. Without it, we can’t perform well and could suffer devastating health consequences such as heart failure, high blood pressure, stroke and depression, according to the -National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. So it's pretty important. But over 60 million Americans struggle with...
October 15, 2019
It’s more than a myth that the ability to sleep long and deep decreases with age. Our get up-and-go seems to have gone. Yet, sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. Indeed, sleep is food for the brain and we need it in order to be fully alert, dynamic and at our A-game all day long. The biggest sleep thief in middle age is stress. Whatever we can do to reduce tension in our lives will enable us to sleep...
April 19, 2016
Sleep might be the most undervalued aspect of weight loss. When I called getting seven to nine hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep -my big needle mover- for fast, lasting fat loss, I wasn't kidding. Manufacturers understand our epidemic sleep struggle. That’s why any drugstore or health-minded grocery offers a wide array of natural sleep aids. How do you choose the best one? Based on research coupled...
July 12, 2015
Getting a regular good night's sleep is one of the most important things you need to do to be healthy. What are the - Natural Sleep Alternatives to Sleeping Pills - ? Read on... Lack of regular, deep, restful sleep leads to irritability, depression, obesity, heart disease, lower mental acuity, poor sex drive, a host of immune system issues, a reduced sense of joy and it makes you generally feel like...
February 25, 2015
Great weekend. Uh oh. It's Monday! - Late nights, too little sleep, indulging in too much good stuff (not all of it healthy), and maybe, just maybe getting a little over-served? You can make a few simple changes to avoid the dreaded brain fog and keep your life and work on-track. Although it helps, you don't have to give up your weekend fun or become a party pooper to cut the brain fog. Sure you could...
February 21, 2015