Tagged as sore feet

Nearly 80% of U.S. adults -suffer from foot pain-, yet only 1 in 3 adults seek medical attention for their ailments. Fortunately, there is an alternative, even for those hesitant to try prescription drugs. Whether the pain is due to arthritis, blisters or another podiatric ailment, CBD products might be just the thing for many of them. For some people, this extract mimics the performance of prescription-strength...
March 30, 2022
Feet do a lot of work. They bear our entire body weight in many cases and for most of us, they help us get around. This extraordinary level of service that we ask of them can sometimes lead to them being in pain. But the foot is a complex system with a lot of moving parts so pain can seem similarly located but be from very different sources. Knowing what to look for in the type and intensity of pain...
November 5, 2020