Tagged as Stress Relief

As you probably already know, stress can have a negative impact on health. Although Christmas is meant to be a time of joy and sharing, many people find the holidays to be one of the most stressful times of the year. To keep stress levels from negatively impacting your health, following are some suggestions on ways that you can reduce the amount of stress in your life this Christmas season. On to Tip...
December 16, 2014
Yoga has become a popular way for people to become fit, lose weight, improve balance, and create a strong and flexible body. While yoga can help to increase health and improve appearance, yoga can also promote relaxation and increase clarity and focus, while bringing about a better mind-body awareness. In this article we will identify a number of different types and applications. If you are interested...
August 30, 2014
Most stress relief techniques are completely useless. Believe me, I’ve tried them all. I tried yoga, anti-stress software, breathing exercises, aromatherapy and classes before discovering body language. This is a completely new way to approach stress—and I want to teach it to you. Mastering your body language is the most effective, science-based stress reducing technique—and you already have all the...
March 13, 2014