Tagged as Virus

The coronavirus is all anyone’s talking about. It's coming in from every news source and from friends and family, too. There’s a lot of information to sort through, and not all of it is accurate. In fact, there are several potentially dangerous myths circulating the internet, and following the wrong information could put you or those around you at serious risk. Let's break down the myths and look at...
May 27, 2020
SARS, MERS and COVID-19 have become household names for many of us during this pandemic, but what do we really know about them? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) all originate from coronaviruses, a specific type of virus that features spiky proteins surrounding the surface of the virus. But they're not the same,...
May 21, 2020
We’re still learning the long-term effects of COVID-19, but from what we do know, it can leave some people recovering for a long time. Severe infections can leave people with lasting lung damage, heart problems, blood clots, organ damage, muscle weakness and neurological issues. It’s important to have hope, especially after the world has thrown us so many recent curveballs, and we don't want to destroy...
May 13, 2020
We’re still learning the long-term effects of COVID-19, but from what we do know, it can leave some people recovering for a long time. Severe infections can leave people with lasting lung damage, heart problems, blood clots, organ damage, muscle weakness and neurological issues. It’s important to have hope, especially after the world has thrown us so many recent curveballs, and we don't want to destroy...
May 13, 2020
Many US residents are anxious to know when the quarantine and stay-at-home orders will come to an end. Right now, the answers appear vague, at best. The timeframe will depend on how fast we can stop the coronavirus from spreading, and whether we can avoid a resurgence after the first wave ends. So we wondered, how likely is a resurgence? The virus’s pattern in China may offer some clues. China’s numbers...
April 13, 2020
The COVID-19, Coronavirus pandemic may be the most frightening thing many of us have seen in our lifetimes. The United States now leads the world in cases and there is little sign of a slowdown anytime soon. Casualties are mounting by the day, and in some places, the response is lagging far behind where the experts say we need to be. Wellness has been covering the pandemic in ways that are meant to...
March 27, 2020
The panic of COVID-19 currently gripping parts of China and a few other countries could be hitting a lot closer to home very soon. CDC- officials are warning that the coronavirus is likely to become a pandemic, which means there’s a good possibility it will make its way through the United States. Are you prepared to protect your home? - We offer the following not to induce panic because we can best...
March 25, 2020
COVID-19 is anxiety-inducing, and for good reason. The TV is flashing images of people in hazmat suits, entire countries are being put on lockdown and infection and death toll rates are climbing by the day. There is a ton of contradictory information out there—some people say we need to practice social distancing, and other people are saying we need to calm down. The grocery stores are selling out...
March 24, 2020
Are you being bombarded with reminders to get a flu shot? Welcome to fall and winter. Whether you decide to get a flu shot or not is a personal decision that depends on your risk of complications from influenza, but regardless of that decision, there are other strategies to employ that will offer protection against illness. Achoo! - Whether it is at your doctor’s office, visiting your grandkids, or...
October 30, 2017
Going by the mainstream media, it appears as if Ebola is no longer the big news item it became just a few weeks ago. In fact, some of the members of the "I told you so" brigade (otherwise known as the "Chicken Little mockers") appear to be participating in "Official End of the Ebola Scare" festivities. Reportedly, these ridiculous (to those who know that Ebola and many other Ebola-like disasters will...
November 5, 2014