Tagged as Virus

Most of us have a bottle of hand sanitizer within reach these days. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that we need to be prepared, always. When it comes to staying protected from virus transmission, hand sanitizer is an important line of defense. But are we using it properly? Maybe not. Here are five mistakes that can make hand sanitizer ineffective. 1. Not Using Enough - After touching...
May 10, 2022
Our immune system is our defense system against illnesses. We're pretty defenseless against the winter crud on our own. Without the immune system, we would catch every cold, flu and infection that crossed our paths. And then we'd have them indefinitely — or die from them. In fact, a simple virus could take our lives if it weren’t for the valiant efforts of the immune system. That’s why it’s so important...
November 2, 2021
It’s been a difficult year so far, with COVID-19 complicating our lives in scary and unforeseen ways. Uncertainty remains in the air. Even if we can hope that the virus falls off our radar in the coming months, a fall resurgence is likely — but there’s no need to panic. This gives us a few months to prepare ourselves and our families so that the next round is easier to tackle. Even with states reopening...
September 3, 2021
The days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer and everyone is itching to get out and enjoy that beautiful sunshine — especially after a few months of quarantine and staying home to stay safe. But the numbers of COVID-19 cases are not encouraging. In fact, they're soaring. Just because we’re all ready to move on and shift gears into summer, we may be more likely to put ourselves and our...
August 31, 2021
There’s been a lot of talk recently about strategies to snuff out COVID-19 using herd immunity. The idea seems great, well, in theory. Herd immunity works well against many viruses, but not all. Experts have weighed in on the pros and cons of using it against the pandemic, and the prospects aren’t looking great. Here’s what we know so far. How Herd Immunity Works - Herd immunity occurs when enough...
November 18, 2020
This pandemic has begun to take its toll, that's for sure. But what happens when a family member tests positive? What can we do? The task of caring for someone with COVID-19 in the home can take the pandemic to a whole new level of stress. There's more to this than caring for someone with the flu. How do you keep from getting infected or keep from passing the virus along when you venture out for needed...
August 7, 2020
COVID-19 has left many of us feeling worried and uncertain about the future. We’ve watched the -statistics-, holding our breaths collectively as the numbers change. We’ve crossed our fingers while protests surge and reopenings abound. And now, we can only wait and see whether we’ve set ourselves up for a an even more devastating wave of disease. A look around the world has shown us how dangerous it...
June 25, 2020
Age could determine how well one is informed about HIV and AIDS. It turns out that the younger you are, the less likely you might be to have all the facts. Declining HIV awareness could be putting countless young people at risk. A recent survey found people in Generation Z and Millennial age groups were dangerously uninformed about HIV. Between 54% and 80% fail to use any form of protection, and roughly...
June 24, 2020
Typically, when we get sick, many of us are careful to stay away from others while we have a fever and symptoms so we don’t spread the illness. But a -study- has reported that it may be possible to spread the novel coronavirus even after we’ve begun to feel better and are no longer experiencing symptoms. And this could account for the difficulty of containment. How long might you be contagious after...
June 19, 2020
Would you be able to tell a COVID-19 infection from a cold or the flu? The coronavirus has shown itself to be a formidable foe, creating a vast spectrum of disease that can affect people in some surprising ways. Often, COVID-19 is a -lot- more than a bad cough and fever but the news has been so overwhelming that many of us are still unaware of the myriad symptoms, making it difficult to know. It’s...
June 9, 2020