Engage w/meaningful healthcare reform discussions

My Goals
Community Thoughts (1)
Posted by greta m. cocco
It is time for all of us to alert our elected officials as to our tolerance level w/respect to Healthcare "Change" &/or "Reform". They need to know of our comfort level as it relates to how far we are willing to reach, and at what cost? National deficit? Increased taxes? Deffinition of Fairness & equity??\n\nNow is the time that everyone must speak their peace, or forever remain silent:now IS the time to be part of the solution & not part of the problem. \n\nBlaming & finger-pointing is so '80's: if YOU can not affectuate & be part of an amendable solution, then let your voice drown. We can no longer afford "too much talking", either we choose to act, or we choose to step way.
People pursuing this goal (1)