Health Tip: Take Care of Your Cast

(HealthDay News) -- A cast can help a broken bone heal properly, but it requires special care.

The American Academy of Family Physicians offers these suggestions:

  • Prop the injured bone above your heart to reduce swelling. If the injury is to your arm, wiggle your fingers, and if it's to your foot, wiggle your toes.
  • Let your doctor know if you have worsening pain or numbness, which may indicate the cast is too tight.
  • Most casts need to stay dry. Cover it with a plastic bag while you bathe, or buy a waterproof cast cover.
  • If your cast does get wet, dry it with a hair dryer set on low heat.
  • Clean and moisturize the skin around the cast, and inspect the skin daily for chafing or sores.
  • Let your doctor know if you notice an unpleasant odor coming from inside the cast, which could indicate infection.

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