They've never used foul language, which has bothered me at some of the other places I've been too. They always make an extra effort to be polite and courteous. At a couple of the other places I've been to, they've ended my massage early, which drove me crazy, but not here. They gave me my full massage, and I enjoyed it very much. I'm always amazed at how considerate and concerned they are for my well-being. Their advice is always wonderful and completely unbiased. I was worried that they were going to wear an obnoxious cologne, because I've dealt with that at other places, but they didn't even wear cologne. It was fantastic to be able to breathe freely the entire time. It was so nice to finally find a massage therapist that really goes out of their way to make you feel valued and important. They were so friendly that I felt like I could be one of their closest friends and it helped me feel relaxed immediately.