Shore View Dental

Shore View Dental
Shore View Dental 1301 Palmetto Ave # F Pacifica, CA 94044
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AS CRAZY AS THIS MAY SOUND BUT just FLEE FROM BAD DENTIST DR AHANI & teenlike sidekick JANE in Pacifica, CA ...or your teeth will FALL friend, if you SEE skinny dorky Asian JANE in her glasses, just RUN LIKE HELL!

IMAGINE after single visit to dr. ahani for initial visit for exam, x-rays, and light teeth cleaning...then his likely UN-trained dental "hygienist" breaks off a big chunk from your molar...(see dental x ray, split molar on left side, and $3100 scam charges)and 2 hours later , you spit out what you thought were small chicken bones for din din at home...ka-thunk!, ka-thunk!.....weird loud sounds...of white gravels bouncing off the metal sink surface...three different same night of dr. ahani's visit nightmare...your teeth!…NOW BROKEN!

what is worse is the BAD DENTIST and his CALAMITY Jane DAMAGES your normal teeth thanks to her boss Dr Ahani...then...hands you a $3100 bill fake crown work in next room...very slick...JANE, you clean NOT drill teeth, ok?? Medical billing FRAUD?? to date, Ahani refuses to show any proof of JANE's state certification to do her hygienist job...BUT CA state IS NOW investigating JANE...about TIME...thank Yours Truly...This STINKS of a DAMAGE GOOD teeth and then, OVER CHARGING me for repairing the DAMAGE you CAUSED...I was born at night but NOT last night doc...

then, you feel with your tongue ...a giant HOLE that was not there before!...verified dental damage 7 months later by some REAL dentists.... distress you call BAD DENTIST several times, leaving many VM messages and mentioned intense dental pains radiating out throughout your gums and skull...worse pain ever! reply..ever....he IGNORES U of course, he gots to CYA his malpractice...

instead, within 2 weeks...dr. hessam or sam ahani, whatever his Arab name, FIRES you as client, for "threatening & harassing his staff," when REALLY asking for medical aid, the same who refused the subpoena papers, GEE DOC, you just GOT served!... despite you telling us you "no longer working here" at Shoreview Dental, LIE, Again..

what is worse...was when his seemingly FAKE "hygienist" drilled into your molar, instead of cleaning it...CALAMITY JANE DRILLED DAMAGED that tooth forever...leaving mouth SLIMY AND HURTING, you watch as she madly flees TO the other room and FAKING a power outtage cuts off power to the dental equipment ..doc ADMITTED doing this to the judge! WTH?? You CUT the power!

...JANE, is her NAME...she runs back and refuses to finish her pretend dental cleaning...tells you they "suddenly we lost power" yet all of the office lights were still on...liars..and that you evacuate room immediately!...say what??? "but you're not finished yet?" WTH?? you tell her. Aren't you supposed to do your job GIRL?? We can ALL agree that DENTIST offices should only hire certified,trained staff, no?...just REPORTED JANE to CA dental board...NO CERTIFICATION, NO PROBLEMA. WORK FOR SHOREVIEW DENTAL ANYWAYS! No hiring standards. How can this be safe?? Never in my case...ME major casualty

Just minutes before during the x-rays...all of your teeth were ALL intact with no hole...but when you go get a huge hole and hellish dental pain in your skull!...tooth must now be yanked out...not is now a split into two cracked tooth...sepsis can cause death doc, ya know. ongoing toothaches and chewing problems...OWWW...crying pain...JANE, What have you DONE??..

just how SLICK can these folks be?...took DR to court...more lies..accuses you of damaging YOUR own teeth with "paperclips & toothpicks" instead of his JANE..good to SEE u in COURT BTW...judge laughed at your LYING legal brief...we wonder WHY...lots of blaming the victim crap...slander

and to rub salt into open wound...CALAMITY JANE tosses you into waiting jaws of GRINNING office manager MABEL at the front desk to extort $$$ for totally imaginary crown work on healthy INTACT teeth forcing a $3100 bill on you...after damaging teeth...

first, you DAMAGE client's teeth, [can happen to you TOO if you VISIT Shoreview Dental] cover it UP, and now want to charge an arm for imaginary crown work...then, fires you to sweep it all under the convenient is that?...your business STINKS of MOIST rancid dog turds with live maggots fresh from rabid DIARRHEA canine BUTTS...dr. AHANI...your cover UPS and injury of your clients STANKS least TWO of us clients needed to SUE U recently for justice...see lawyer's email..pray you be EXPOSED for harming yours INJURED instead of healed & STOP SPAMMING ME mail with them damn LYING flyers, 3rd request now...kindly NO mas! Asking nicely; sick and tired of ALL the LIES coming from your ENTIRE office...they STINK of LIES and ROBBERY...this is a CRIME...

Best advice...RUN AWAY my friend!...go anywhere but here TO AVOID getting injured & scammed...DR has a brass ball to ASK you, "WHY are you SO angry?"...Duh?? Ya damaged my teeth and ran away like a COWARD with attorney LYING for U...constant cover ups & LIES...been respectful and honest with you while U keep lying; and kindly STOP tampering with me reviews thank you but I will NOT be silent...

All of above is true, correct and accurate, BUT beware AHANI AND his ATTORNEY Mr. G are highly allergic to the Truth...the REAL BAD DentistS@Shoreview Dental@Pacifica CA is now EXPOSED. Thus, BOYCOTT them and KEEP your GOOD TEETH and hard earned $$$....Namaste...
by Tomboy
September 28, 2019
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