Aside from wait time, which let's face it is rather a problem with many medical offices anyway, I was rather satisfied. They didn't try to upsell on me by asking to do unnecessary stuff - I was there strictly to have a wisdom tooth pulled and that's exactly what they did once I came back to see their specialist a couple days later.
When it was taking awhile for him to actually get to the procedure and the benzocaine he had dabbed in there had worn off, one of his assistants was more than happy to dab some more when I told her. Tooth came out quick and painless. They gave me an ice pack and plenty of gauze for the bleeding on my way out, so I was basically taken care of from start to post-op.
My follow up appointment went well, and one tooth cleaning later not only am I no longer in pain from an impacted wisdom tooth, I'm feeling better about my overall oral health too. Very satisfied.