I came away from my appointment with Doctor Bayrd at the Edina Dermatology Specialists astounded by his utter rudeness, inaccessibility, and abrasive manner. I will never see him again and would caution any patient against choosing him for dermatological care. I didn't feel he was listening to me when I expressed my concerns, rather shrugged them off mockingly and pushed prescriptions on me without taking time to evaluate my individual case. I felt that he was rushing me and doing the bare minimum of work to swiftly get me in and out of his office. He was abrasive to me physically. He also pushed cosmetic products on me, bringing up another cosmetic "fault" that he perceived- something I had not come to see him about. His over all mannerism was one of belligerence, mocking, and a superiority complex that made me feel like garbage. A horrible experience.