Loretta R Tibbels, MD

Loretta R Tibbels, MD
13708 W MAPLE RD OMAHA, NE 68164
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Consumer Feedback

(1 Review)
Is this provider easy to reach in an emergency?
Yes, they answered my call right away
Does this provider give unbiased advice?
Absolutely! I always get sound, helpful, and completely unbiased advice!
Does this provider adhere to the customer is always right policy?
Yes, they listen to all complaints and make every effort to correct the situation.
Does this provider welcome questions?
Absolutely! They are happy to answer all of my questions
Does this provider always take that extra step to make you feel special?
Absolutely, they always make me feel like I'm their only patient.
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.198.171
March 04, 2013
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